108 Callahan Street - Rome, GA 30161 - (706) 622-2490


Bible Studies

+Worship At Church Building+  [ Time: 10:30 am ]

We are now worshipping at the church building [10:30am] both at the building and livestream for those who are unable to come to the church building [elderly and sick and shut-ins].  If you haven't been vaccinated you are required to wear a mask.  Also, if you have been vaccinated with the first shot and still need the second shot you are required to wear a mask.


EARLY WORSHIP...... …Canceled Until Further Notice

SUNDAY SCHOOL…......9:30 AM - At The Church Building

MORNING WORSHIP….10:30 AM - At The Church Building

Live Stream  ( YouTube)


MID-DAY ,,,,12:00 Noon

At The Church Building


EVENING . . 7:00 PM /Audio

Also At The Church Building